Caught the Influencer virus?

Hey guys! We all know how social media have evolved over the years and have became something that one cannot really live without (literally). Whether it is used for showing others a side of your life or for the expansion or improvement in a business. So how did social media exactly improve businesses and allow the public to understand their selling point and goods almost immediately? Well, the answer is simply Influencers.

So what does the term influencer exactly mean? They can be used to describe anyone whom is either a celebrity or even commoners which uploads on their daily activities to stay connected to interact with their followers. Very often these influencers has access to a large number of audience with followers ranging from 1500 to 80000 or even higher. Followers follow them for the content that they put up whereby their language and communication are seemingly personal and able to relate to the followers. Examples on the different types of influencers could include, lifestyle (travel, fashion, product review) and even food. Thus as more people are using social media, the rising number in online ‘stars’ will be able to make an influence in the consumers choices. Additionally, it will help in providing marketing campaigns.

As the larger the number of audience, the faster it will be able to allow others to be aware of the brand. In addition, consumers can be rest assured of the credibility taken account into it. For if a product or goods does not reach a certain level of standard, Singaporeans will turn to do what we do best (*cough* complain) and word will spread thus might cause other followers to not trust what they put up anymore. Hence I personally trust influencers more comparing to companies as companies would usually put up their best marketing point to woo consumers into what they are selling.

So here are are examples of 3 top influencers in Singapore. (Left to right)

  1. @xiaxue (Lifestyle blogger)
  2. @bellywellyjelly (Lifestyle blogger)
  3. @nikolai_wee (Food blogger)



As social media marketing have become such a big factor in our lives, whereby we look out for the best deals being offered there, very often we trust what we see or even if we do not, we will go ahead and try that certain product or food just because we need to keep up with the trend or what they call it ”for the gram” (for the Instagram)!

Thus in this age and time, whereby technology is so advanced and people are so tech savvy, to keep up with the millennial crowds, marketing campaign needs to be done so as to allow interaction and familiarity. Finding the right influencer is important as he/she would need to match that particular brand that the business is promoting. Such as their age, and their target audience that they are aiming at.

Comparing to Traditional media whereby social media marketing is more efficient and at the same time can be more cost saving.

I personally feel that social media have broaden our horizon on many things and also allowed us to come to know of many events, companies and brands almost immediately with just a click!

Image result for clicking meme

Hence have became a ‘can’t do without’ in our daily lives as it opens many doors for brands whom wishes to be made aware to the public and also a platform for consumers to discuss on whether the product or brand is actually worth their money.

One example of a top influencer on Instagram would be @imjennim . With a whopping 1.7 million followers along with having her own clothing line also known as Eggieshop. By simply being herself online, with daily updates on her life and her fashion styles. And people fell in love with her personality and the content that she put up! Gradually she made it to the top even creating her own clothing line. Because she marketed herself by having her own online personnel thus able to influence her fellow followers through the use of the social media platform.


Alright, that is all for today! Feel free to let me know your opinions!


Published by Nicole Wee

Just thoughts of a 21 years old nicknamed Col.

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  1. Hi Nicole,

    I do agree that influencers is one of the major factor that impacts us in making decisions, regardless purchasing decisions, or lifestyle decisions. Many firms in Singapore have started this trend by finding influencers to promote their products and services. This is because there are thousands of followers on the influencers and therefore, the things that influencers are promoting will have an impact on consumers.

    I have a good understanding on influencers, and also how influencers promoting goods and services as most of them have a pattern to it.

    Looking forward to your next few posts! πŸ™‚


    1. Hi JQ!
      The use of influencers have increased so much mainly due to social media platforms evolving. In addition, in some cases it can some what be cheaper to hire influencers to help in social media marketing instead of having to opt for traditional marketing. Such would be food bloggers for an example whereby I have heard stories from fellow foodies that many of them are unpaid, but privilege is that they are being treated the food to help to promote the store. What do you feel of that?
      In a nutshell, I am glad you enjoyed the read and thank you for your comment! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Aloha,

    Had a good read of your blogpost. I do agree that social media today is not just a platform for us to share our daily life with our own social circle but also being utilized by businesses to convey messages to their followers / consumers, with the help of influencers.

    With the uprising of Influencers today makes a huge difference to social media marketing, it really differs from the traditional media we know about in the past, but relying on popular or ‘famous’ online personnel whom has a large number of followers that follow their social media platforms and reading their content. Their opinions and reviews are deem as credible source which people will read / look upon, such as Product reviews; on how good is the product, what are the pros and cons of the product, is the product worth to try out and etc. Even for myself, whenever i wish to find out more information on a particular product like hair shampoo, i would also turn to these Influencers’ reviews and decide if the product is worth the try.

    Now i have a better understanding of influencers and also how influencers do their part in social media marketing. Looking forward to your next post!~


    1. Hey Hwee Lee!
      Yes I do agree that even I myself, feel that their sources are credible mainly trusting the fact that they are public figures thus if they marketing a product that does not match their statements, would hurt their reputation thus they are to deliver only the truths.
      Social media platforms were once around for the simplest reason of sharing our life, and our moments but over the years evolving into a platform which includes promoting of food, lifestyle have become a norm and one which almost have the biggest impact hence many marketers would turn to it first to market their brands, concepts or products.
      Hope you had takeaway some knowledge that you did not know at first thank you for the comment! Cheers! πŸ™‚


  3. Hi Nicole,
    Thank you for the lovely written first post! I have to agree that Social media Influencers are the next big thing. All these influencers that you have mentioned ate really credible with their source and i am sure they do have a lot of followers because of their honesty. I mean who wants to follow one that is not trustworthy right? But moving on, i do have a few influencers that i follow and i think that they are the best for reviews. They review the products that people are not sure about and through their review, we will know whether if a product is safe to use and does it actually work before we spend our money on it.
    Therefore for marketers who wants to promote a product. They should send it to influencers to do a review. This way, the product will gain awareness quickly.
    Thanks for the great post again. Cheers!


  4. Hey Valencia!
    Indeed that no one would want to keep up with an dishonest reviewer as customers will feel that it is a waste of money. Furthermore, if they win the trusts of consumers, it is almost definite that these consumers will follow on more on their latest news and be more likely to purchase products that influencers promote. An example would be the famous LQ mask on Instagram which I have seen so many influencers promoting, even influencers whom are famous for giving reviews such as Bong QiuQiu and @michelley !And the results are amazing thus the sales was so good because their reviews were trustworthy!
    Thus I agree with you that this is a pretty quick way for a product to gain recognition too!
    Glad you had a good read, and thank you for your comment! Have a good day ahead πŸ™‚


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